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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Four Corners Activity in SCH.

I tried the four corners discussion activity today with my 11th-graders. You remember the one where we had labels on the walls: I strongly agree, I agree, I disagree, I strongly disagree, and people had to go to the one they felt described their views.
My classroom
Well, it seems that with students it needs a lot of practice and I need a lot of PATIENCE because Estonian students are not really used to walking around in the classroom, doing groupwork and defending their opinions.
I agree-group

They might even have the necessary language skills but they don't know how to use them.
The four-corners activity requires also controversial or provoking statements. I couldn't come up with any really good ones. I used: People who do exptreme sports are crazy. AND I would allow my daughter to choose whatever extreme sport she wants to go into. (or sth like that)

If you can come up with some more statements like that on the topic of sports or hobbies, I'd be glad to report on how they worked.

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